How can I aggregate this SQL table into another table?


If i have the data table below:

Country1    NULL
Country1    0
Country1    NULL
Country1    0
Country1    NULL
Country1    0
Country1    NULL
Country1    18
Country1    NULL
Country1    12
Country1    NULL
Country1    0
Country1    NULL
Country1    0
Country1    NULL
Country2    0
Country2    NULL
Country2    7
Country2    NULL
Country2    0
Country2    NULL
Country2    0
Country2    NULL
Country2    0

Ignoring the rows with second column as NULL, how can I get the following values out of it:

Country1 has 7 values, out of which 5 are zero, 1 is 18 and 1 is 12. Country2 has 5 values, out of which 4 are zero, 1 is 7

How can I get a table that looks like this?

Country1    0   71.43 (i.e. 5/7)
Country1    18  14.29 (i.e. 1/7)
Country1    12  14.29 (i.e. 1/7)
Country2    0   80 (i.e. 4/5)
Country2    7   20 (i.e. 1/5)
Gordon Linoff

You can do this using simple aggregation and window functions:

select country, value,
       cast(count(*) as float) / sum(count(value)) over (partition by country) as ratio
from table t
group by country, value;

This gives the third column as a ratio. You can format it as a percent in various ways, such as by using str().

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