Abort AngularJS $http request, deeply nested in multiple service calls


I'm using a deferred promise to abort a $http request (like explained in this post).

However, I'm unsure of how I should propagate the abort() function added at the root level. Everytime I call .then() on the promise, a new promise (without the abort() function) is returned.

See my example below. I have a controller calling a service, that in turn calls another service (where the $http request is made). The example does not work, since promise in MyController is not the same as the one that was returned in restService, and therefore does not have a function called abort().

  1. How can I propagate the abort() function so that it is available in MyController?
  2. Can I return the original promise all the way, and just call then() on that (like in the examples at the bottom)?. What happens with the then() calls? Are they still invoked "synchronously"?


app.controller("MyController", function($scope, dataService) {
    var promise;

    $scope.loadAndAbortData = function () {
        promise = dataService.getData().then(updateUI);

    $scope.abort = function () {
        if (promise) {


app.service("dataService", function(restService) {
    var service = {
        getData: function () {
            return restService.get().then(function (response) {
                var modifiedData = modifyData(response.data);
                return modifiedData;
            }, function (response) {

    return service;


app.service("restService", function($http, $q) {
    var service = {
        get: function () {
            var deferredAbort = $q.defer();
            var request = $http.get(url, { timeout: deferredAbort.promise } );

            promise.abort = function () {

            return promise;

    return service;

Is this a solution for DataService and MyController?

app.controller("MyController", function($scope, dataService) {
    var promise;

    $scope.loadAndAbortData = function () {
        promise = dataService.getData();

    $scope.abort = function () {
        if (promise) {

app.service("dataService", function(restService) {
    var service = {
        getData: function () {
            var promise = restService.get();
            promise.then(function (response) {
                var modifiedData = modifyData(response.data);
                return modifiedData;
            }, function (response) {

            return promise;           

    return service;

I ended up with a solution that "overrides" the then() function of the promise, so that the abort() function will follow along through all the layers, independent of how many times then()/catch()/finally() is called on the promise.

I would really appreciate some input, if someones finds a better solution or sees flaws in this one.

app.service("restService", function($http, $q) {

    function createAbortablePromise(promise, deferredAbort) {
        promise.abort = function () {

        // A problem with adding the abort function to the promise is that as soon as someone
        // calls then() on this promise (somewhere else in our application), another new promise
        // is returned. This new promise, will not have the abort() function. We can solve this
        // by "overriding" then() recursively.
        var originalThen = promise.then;
        promise.then = function (callback, errback, progressback) {
            // Invoke the original then(). It will return a new promise
            var newPromise = originalThen(callback, errback, progressback);

            // This new promise needs an abort function as well.
            newPromise = createAbortablePromise(newPromise, deferredAbort);

            return newPromise;

        return promise;

    var service = {
        get: function () {
            var deferredAbort = $q.defer();
            var request = $http.get(url, { timeout: deferredAbort.promise } );

            promise.abort = function () {

            promise = createAbortablePromise(promise, deferredAbort);

            return promise;

    return service;

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