Printing elements of StdObject Array PHP

Niall Lonergan

This is a tricky one (for me). I have an Array of data returned from a Twitter API call in an Array. I'm iterating the "Top 10 Trending" however cannot print the individual elements i.e. name, Below is the code I am using to get as far as I can:

  $twitter = new TwitterOAuth($consumerKey,$consumerSecret,$oAuthToken,$oAuthSecret);

  $locale = $twitter->get('');

  foreach($locale as $local)

This results in the below:

Result of Query

However I cannot access the individual elements through the Array at the top. Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance, Niall

Vincent Decaux
$tweets = $local->trends;

echo $tweets[1]->name;

Or you can use foreach :

foreach ($local->trends as $trend)
    echo $trend->name;

Collected from the Internet

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