How do i bind an "Entry Cell" to a custom object using Xamarin?

Marcello Grechi Lins

I have been playing with Xamarin for a short time so far, and i just stumbled into something i couldn't find the answer into their documentation.

I am building a fairly simple app that retrieves "User Data" (username, email, password and so forth) from a RESTfull API and populates a listview with some of the data (This is the point i am at the moment. It works).

The next step is to build a "Edit User" screen, which is invoked uppon selecting (tapping) a user on the Listview i currently have.

I have managed to build a simple view that is basically two Entry Cells showing the data of the user picked into the previous listview screen. That also works.

The problem is that, once i edit the data into the "Entry Cell" it has no reflection into the "User Model" that populated the "entry cell" in first place.

How do i bind those together?

Code Sample:

// Entry Cell of Username (Should be Binded)
        EntryCell ecUsername = new EntryCell()
            Label       = "Username:",
            Placeholder = "username / login",
            Text        = _user.Username

        // Entry Cell of Password (Should be Binded)
        EntryCell ecEmail  = new EntryCell ()
            Label = "Email:",
            Placeholder = "user email",
            Text        = _user.Email

Some Screenshots: ListView of Users

Once i click into a user, its data gets rendered into the next screen.

Edit Screen


I haven't tested this, but something like this should work:

EntryCell ec = new EntryCell ();
ec.BindingContext = _user;
ec.SetBinding (EntryCell.TextProperty, "Username");

Collected from the Internet

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