Identity operators in Swift


If a is identical to c, b is identical to c, why a is not identical to b?

var a = [1, 2, 3]
var b = a
var c = a[0...2]
a === c                    // true
b === c                    // true
a === b                    // false

If a, b, c are constants:

let a = [1, 2, 3]
let b = a
let c = a[0...2]
a === c                    // true
b === c                    // true
a === b                    // true

As @onevcat said, it's might be a bug of Playground. And if you change a to objects of reference type, all the identity tests will be true.

class K {}
var a = [K(), K(), K()]
var b = a
var c = a[0...2]
a === c                    // true
b === c                    // true
a === b                    // true

it means that a, b & c share the same storage and elements.

Collected from the Internet

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