Inherited grails domain classes missing dynamic properties

Chris Erickson

I'm having a problem where the related table id fields return 'null' from my domain objects when using inheritance. Here is an example:

In /src/groovy/


class BaseClass1 {
    Long id
    static mapping = {
        tablePerConcreteClass true


class BaseClass2 extends BaseClass1 {
    String someOtherProperty
    static constraints = {
    static mapping = BaseClass1.mapping

In /grails-app/domain


class ParentClass extends BaseClass2 {
    ChildClass myChild

    static mapping = BaseClass2.mapping << {
        version false


class ChildClass extends BaseClass1 {
    String property

    static mapping = BaseClass1.mapping

The problem appears here:


print // returns the value
print parentClassInstance.myChildId // returns null

Any ideas what might be going on to get those dynamic properties to break like this?

Chris Erickson

After debugging into the get(AssociationName)Id source, I found the following: The handler for this is:

GrailsDomainConfigurationUtil.getAssociationIdentifier(Object target, String propertyName,
        GrailsDomainClass referencedDomainClass) {

    String getterName = GrailsClassUtils.getGetterName(propertyName);

    try {
        Method m = target.getClass().getMethod(getterName, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);
        Object value = m.invoke(target);
        if (value != null && referencedDomainClass != null) {
            String identifierGetter = GrailsClassUtils.getGetterName(referencedDomainClass.getIdentifier().getName());
            m = value.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(identifierGetter, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY);
            return (Serializable)m.invoke(value);
    catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        // ignore
    catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        // ignore
    catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        // ignore
    return null;

It threw an exception on the related class (value.getClass().getDeclaredMethod), saying NoSuchMethod for the method getId(). I was unable to remove the id declaration from the base class without Grails complaining that an identifier column was required. I tried marking id as public and it also complained that it wasn't there. So, I tried this

BaseClass {
    Long id
    public Long getId() { return this.@id }

and things worked on some classes, but not on others.

When I removed the ID declaration, I go an error: "Identity property not found, but required in domain class". On a whim, I tried adding @Entity to the concrete classes and viola! everything started working.

class BaseClass {
    //Don't declare id!

class ParentClass {}

class ChildClass {}

I still think it is a grails bug that it needs to be added, but at least it is easy enough to work around.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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