select data based on a date column


I was trying to select some data from my table using the following query:

select * from table1 where column1 = to_date('14-05-14','yy-mm-dd');

Where the column data type is DATE. I observed that, the above query won't return anything unless we modified it as,

select * from table1 where trunc(column1) = to_date('14-05-14','yy-mm-dd');

even though there are records available.

I checked the documentation for TRUNC.Can anyone please explain why this happens?


As per the valuable comments I think some time values may also associated with the DATE. But I cannot view/edit that time. How can I ensure there are time values associated.

enter image description here


Both TO_DATE and TRUNC are different. See the below example.

SQL> ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format = 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss';

Session altered.


28/05/2014 16:03:25


28/05/2014 00:00:00

In Your first query to_date('14-05-14','yy-mm-dd') is comparing with the date field column1 in your table which has time values also. Whereas in Your 2nd query You are truncating the time part from table data and from Your query, that's why it's matching.

Collected from the Internet

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