What $watch method in angularjs really returns and how it works?


I have difficulty understanding the following codes even with the comments

// Store the initial cell value so we can reset to it if need be
var oldCellValue;
var dereg = scope.$watch('ngModel', function() {
    oldCellValue = ngModel.$modelValue;
    dereg(); // only run this watch once, we don't want to overwrite our stored value when the input changes

How many time does function dereg got called in this case? Is this a recursion?

Radim Köhler

The code you've shown is in a nutshell

  • storing reference to (just added) $watch() returned value (see below $rootScope.$watch returned value)
  • once first time is that $watch() called, it calls that referenced function - which leads to ubinding of that $watch()

Read this nice article

Unbinding $watch() Listeners In AngularJS

a small extract from a summary:

As you can see, we're storing the function reference returned by the $watch() statement; then, once the $watch() fires a few times, we invoke that stored method, unbinding the $watch() listener.

In that example, there is an if statement, which could help us to decide, when is the best time to remove that $watch() (e.g. after the first evaluation) ...

The more detailed defintion of the scope.$watch() could be found here:

And as we can see from this extract:

$watch(watchExpression, [listener], [objectEquality]);

Returns a deregistration function for this listener.

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