How do you iterate over all values produced by a function?


I am new to go, and I have found myself writing a few for loops which look like this:

for element, err := producer.Produce(); err == nil; element, err = producer.Produce() {

where producer.Produce() is a function like reader.ReadString('\n') or fmt.Fscan(Reader, &token). I would much rather like to write

for element := range elements {

but for now, I would be satisfied to know if there is a cleaner way to iterate over the output of these kinds of functions in go. In particular, is there a nice way to get rid of this annoying duplication in the init statement and the post statement of the for statement?

Evan Shaw

I don't think there's anything quite as clean as what you're looking for. The idiomatic way to write it is:

for {
    element, err := producer.Produce()
    if err != nil {

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