How to localize (i18n) moment.js within meteor.js?


How can moment.js used within a meteor.js app be told to use another language than English? moment.js (installed as an mrt package) works fine with the default English language.

Using the demo calls from the moment.js docs at always produces 'en'. I noticed there is a German language file for moment in meteor_project/packages/moment/lib/moment/lang/de.js that doesn't seem to be used though?

To specify: within a template helper I tried: moment.lang('de'); return moment.lang() //will result to 'en'

and the other options mentioned here: Format a date from inside a Handlebars Template in Meteor


If you installed moment as

mrt add moment

Then you already got the languages, but you have to include them manually. Find them at packages\moment\lib\lang. To include them, go to the package.js file and add the language of your choice after all the other files.

api.add_files('lib/moment/lang/de.js', 'client')

modify package.js

And there you go!


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