how to import modules that require arguments


this is my files sturcture:


user.js and room.js are modules i want to import in database.js. right now im doing like this:

in database.js:

var mysql = require('mysql');
var Sequelize = require('sequelize');
var db = new Sequelize('test', 'root', 'root', {
dialect: "mysql", 
port: 3306

var User = require('./user.js')(Sequelize, db);
var Room = require('./room.js')(Sequelize, db);

module.exports = function(){



in user.js/room.js

module.exports = function (Sequelize, db) { 

var Room = db.define('Room', {
    room_id : {type: Sequelize.INTEGER, allowNull: false, autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true},

 .sync({force: true})
 .complete(function (err) {})

so far so good, but when i need to import user.js or room.js in other files besides database.js(eg, createRoom.js), i have trouble importing them because theres no Sequelize and db defined like in the database.js. does it mean i have to connect to the database and require Sequelize again whenever i need to use user.js and room.js module in other files? is there a better way to work around this?? thanks!


you have different possibilities here

  1. re-export models:

    in your database.js

    //init code as seen
    module.exports.Room = Room

    importing somewhere else

  2. make your database.js dependency

    in database.js

     module.export = { Sequelize: Sequelize, db : db}

    in room.js

     var dbModule = require('./database')
     module.exports = dbModule.Sequelize.define('Room', /*....*/)
  3. Attach the model to the init function

    in room.js

    module.exports = roomInit
    function roomInit(Sequelize, db) { 
      roomInit.Room = db.define('Room', {
        room_id : {type: Sequelize.INTEGER, allowNull: false, autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true}
       .sync({force: true})
       .complete(function (err) {})



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