How do I create a response document from an action on a form in Lotus Domino Designer?


I have 2 forms:

  1. Document
  2. Response

How to add Response form to Documents forms, I nothing found in properties.

I'm using Domino designer 8.

Torsten Link

To create a response document all of the below have to be true:

  1. The Form has to be a "Response" in its properties
  2. For view- actions a document (that will become the "main"- document for the response) has to be selected in a view
  3. For form- actions the document has to be SAVED at least once. You cannot add a respoonse to an unsafed main- document.

If neither 2 or 3 is true, then the message No document is selected... will appear.

If it works, you will find an item "$Ref" in the properties of the response, that contains the Universal- ID of the parent document.

Collected from the Internet

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