join multiple queries error

Karuppiah RK

First query

       ifnull(cnt_all,0) total_drivers,
       ifnull(cnt_active,0) active_drivers,
       ifnull(cnt_idle,0) idle_drivers
FROM ta_agent a
  (SELECT agent_id,
          count(*) cnt_all
   FROM ta_drivers
   GROUP BY agent_id) cnt ON a.agent_id=cnt.agent_id
  (SELECT agent_id,
          count(*) cnt_idle
   FROM ta_drivers
   WHERE last_viewed=0
   GROUP BY agent_id) idle ON a.agent_id=idle.agent_id
  (SELECT agent_id,
          count(*) cnt_active
   FROM ta_drivers
   WHERE last_viewed=1
   GROUP BY agent_id) active ON a.agent_id=active.agent_id

Second query

SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(date_of_registration, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS user_registeredon
FROM ta_agent a,
     ta_subscription s
WHERE s.agent_id = a.agent_id

These two queries working fine when I run separately. I want to join these two queries. I have tried to join these two queries but I got this error Every derived table must have its own alias

I have tried this

select a.*, ifnull(cnt_all,0) total_drivers,ifnull(cnt_active,0) active_drivers, ifnull(cnt_idle,0) idle_drivers
    from ta_agent a left join (select agent_id, count(*) cnt_all
                       from ta_drivers
                       group by agent_id) cnt on a.agent_id=cnt.agent_id

    left join (select agent_id, count(*) cnt_idle
                       from ta_drivers
                       where last_viewed=0
                       group by agent_id) idle on a.agent_id=idle.agent_id

    left join (select agent_id, count(*) cnt_active
                       from ta_drivers
                       where last_viewed=1
                       group by agent_id) active on a.agent_id=active.agent_id

    left join(SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME( date_of_registration, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' ) AS user_registeredon FROM ta_subscription WHERE agent_id = a.agent_id)

I don't think this is the correct method to get the result..

Ronak Shah

Please mentioned how do you want to join this two query.. Looking for something like below:

  (SELECT a.*,
          ifnull(cnt_all,0) total_drivers,
          ifnull(cnt_active,0) active_drivers,
          ifnull(cnt_idle,0) idle_drivers
   FROM ta_agent a
     (SELECT agent_id,
             count(*) cnt_all
      FROM ta_drivers
      GROUP BY agent_id) cnt ON a.agent_id=cnt.agent_id
     (SELECT agent_id,
             count(*) cnt_idle
      FROM ta_drivers
      WHERE last_viewed=0
      GROUP BY agent_id) idle ON a.agent_id=idle.agent_id
     (SELECT agent_id,
             count(*) cnt_active
      FROM ta_drivers
      WHERE last_viewed=1
      GROUP BY agent_id) active ON a.agent_id=active.agent_id)tempaliasA
  (SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(date_of_registration, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS user_registeredon,
   FROM ta_agent a,
        ta_subscription s
   WHERE s.agent_id = a.agent_id)tempaliasB ON tempaliasA.agent_id = tempaliasB.agent_id

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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