Convert black and white array into an image in python?


I have an array of 50x50 elements of which each is either True or False - this represents a 50x50 black and white image.

I can't convert this into image? I've tried countless different functions and none of them work.

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

my_array = np.array([[True,False,False,False THE DATA IS IN THIS ARRAY OF 2500 elements]])

im = Image.fromarray(my_array)"results.jpg")

^ This one gives me: "Cannot handle this data type".

I've seen that PIL has some functions but they only convert a list of RGB pixels and I have a simple black and white array without the other channels.


First you should make your array 50x50 instead of a 1d array:

my_array = my_array.reshape((50, 50))

Then, to get a standard 8bit image, you should use an unsigned 8-bit integer dtype:

my_array = my_array.reshape((50, 50)).astype('uint8')

But you don't want the Trues to be 1, you want them to be 255:

my_array = my_array.reshape((50, 50)).astype('uint8')*255

Finally, you can convert to a PIL image:

im = Image.fromarray(my_array)

I'd do it all at once like this:

im = Image.fromarray(my_array.reshape((50,50)).astype('uint8')*255)

Collected from the Internet

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