check if angle is between angles `from` and `to` with clockwise direction

Artem Svirskyi

I have two angles: from, to and clockwise direction. And defined angle. Angles are between 0 and 360 deg. I need a function that returns is defined angle is between from and to angles.
For example:

function isInRange(from, to, angle){
isInRange(30, 330, 90);  // true
isInRange(30, 330, 0);  // false
isInRange(330, 30, 90);  // false
isInRange(330, 30, 0);  // true

Help please)


First make sure that the angles are comparable, then it's a simple range comparison:

function isInRange(from, to, angle){
  // make sure to >= from
  while (to < from) to += 360;
  // make sure angle >= from
  while (angle < from) angle += 360;
  // compare
  return angle >= from && angle <= to;

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