Java Double to String with dot separator and infinite number of digits after the decimal


I want to parse a java double value to string but with dot separator and infinite number of digits after the decimal. What I want to achived:

33.123456789 -> "33.123456789"
1.234 -> "1.234"
2.0 -> "2"

I have my sample code but it doesn't work corectly.

DecimalFormat DOUBLE_FORMAT = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);

Which gives me:

33.123456789 -> "33.1234"
1.234 -> "1.234"
2.0 -> "2"

So it not work how I want to. Any idea ? ;)

Joop Eggen

Doubles are just an approximation, a sum of 2-i. Hence

33.123456789 * 100 != 3312.3456789


double x = 33.123456789;
String s = String.valueOf(x);
// No guarantee that s has the same number of decimals.

And for the precise numerical type BigDecimal:

BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal(33.123456789); // Bad
BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal("33.123456789"); // Good, with correct precision.

So in your case, one must consider switching to BigDecimal. Or accept String.valueOf / Double.toString.

BigDecimal, though, has that unlimited precision.

Collected from the Internet

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