Run curl command on each line of a file and fetch data from result


Suppose I have a file containing a list of links of webpages.

I know that doing curl will fetch me the html of that webpage. I want to fetch some data from that webpage.

So the scenario is use curl to hit all the links in the file one by one and extract some data from the webpage and store somewhere else. Any ideas or suggestions.

fedorqui 'SO stop harming'

As indicated in the comments, this will loop through your_file and curl each line:

while IFS= read -r line
   curl "$line"
done < your_file

To get the <title> of a page, you can grep something like this:

grep -iPo '(?<=<title>).*(?=</title>)' file

So all together you could do

while IFS= read -r line
   curl -s "$line" | grep -Po '(?<=<title>).*(?=</title>)'
done < your_file

Note curl -s is for silent mode. See an example with google page:

$ curl -s | grep -Po '(?<=<title>).*(?=</title>)'
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