How can I convert this string to a javascript Date object?


I have a string with a specific format which I am trying to convert to a Date object. I was hoping var dateObject = new Date(myString) would be sufficient but it won't work. So I tried breaking up the string into smaller pieces, and that didn't work either.

var str = '2015-02-20 11:00'; 
var obj = new Date(str.substr(2, 4), str.substr(5, 7), str.substr(8, 10), str.substr(13, 15), str.substr(16, 18));
// Above code yields invalid date

JS-Fiddle Example

How can I make a date object out of my string?


Did you try just

var str = '2015-02-20 11:00';
var obj = new Date(str);

works for me ->

If for some strange reason that doesn't work, split it up and pass it to the Date constructor in the appropriate places

var str = '2015-02-20 11:00';

var arr  = str.split(' ');
var time = arr.pop().split(':')
var arr2 = arr.shift().split('-');

var date = new Date(arr2[0], arr2[1]-1, arr2[2], time.shift(), time.pop(), 0, 0);



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