Generate two Visual Studio Solutions at same folder using CMake


Using CMake, I am trying to this:

Create two Visual Studio solutions at same folder.


|-- myproject.sln
|-- myproject_x64.sln

Generated with command line (.bat file):

cmake -G"Visual Studio 10"
del CMakeCache.txt // POG to generate win64 in the sequence "CMake ZERO_CHECK will cry"
cmake -G"Visual Studio 10 Win64"

Inside cmake file:


    MESSAGE( STATUS "Generating x64 Solution...")
    MESSAGE( STATUS "Generating x86 Solution...")


Is it possible to do something like this ?

The CMake always generate ALL_BUILD project resulting this:

|-- source/header files
|-- unittest.vcxproj
|-- ALL_BUILD.vcxproj (used for last generated project)
|-- myproject.sln
|-- myproject_x64.sln

Is there a way to create subdirectories for (ALL_BUILD.vcxproj,INSTALL.vcxproj,PACKAGE.vcxproj, ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj) ?


|-- source/header files
|-- unittest.vcxproj
|-- myproject.sln
|-- myproject_x64.sln
|---- depDir
        | (used for myproject)
        |-- ALL_BUILD.vcxproj 
        |-- INSTALL.vcxproj
        |-- PACKAGE.vcxproj
        |-- ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj
|---- depDir_x64
        | (used for myproject_x64)
        |-- ALL_BUILD.vcxproj 
        |-- INSTALL.vcxproj
        |-- PACKAGE.vcxproj
        |-- ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj

OR "preferable"

|-- source/header files
|-- unittest.vcxproj
|-- myproject.sln
|-- myproject_x64.sln
|-- ALL_BUILD.vcxproj (used for myproject)
|-- INSTALL.vcxproj (used for myproject)
|-- PACKAGE.vcxproj (used for myproject)
|-- ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj
|---- depDir_x64
        | (used for myproject_x64)
        |-- Additional CMakeLists.txt if needed.
        |-- ALL_BUILD.vcxproj 
        |-- INSTALL.vcxproj
        |-- PACKAGE.vcxproj
        |-- ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj

Is it possible to do something like this ?


I found a good alternative!

I create a .bat file to generate x86, x64 folders and use a single CMakeLists file.

@echo off
echo Generating x86 Solution...

mkdir x86
cd x86
cmake -G"Visual Studio 10" "../"
cd ..
mkshortcut "../" /target:"%~dp0\x86\myproject.sln" /shortcut:"myproject.sln"

echo Generating x64 Solution...

mkdir x64
cd x64
cmake -G"Visual Studio 10 Win64" "../"
cd ..
mkshortcut "../" /target:"%~dp0\x64\myproject.sln" /shortcut:"myproject_x64.sln"



cd x86 


cmake "../" 

I can generate files inside x86 folder.

The result is:

|-- source/header files
|-- x86 <- folder
|-- x64 <- folder
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- myproject.sln <-shortcut to x86 .sln
|-- myproject_x64.sln <-shortcut to x64 .sln

The code to create shortcut file

mkshortcut "../" /target:"%~dp0\x86\myproject.sln" /shortcut:"myproject.sln"

Uses mkshortcut.vbs taken from

rem This code is used to generate files shortcuts
rem eg.:
rem mkshortcut /target:"c:\myfile" /shortcut:"c:\myfileShortcut"

set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )
set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(Wscript.Arguments.Named("shortcut") & ".lnk")
oShellLink.TargetPath = Wscript.Arguments.Named("target")
oShellLink.WindowStyle = 1

To see if cmake -G"Visual Studio 10 Win64" was used:


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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