Mass save records in Laravel 4?


Please consider my Database structure in Laravel 4...


I have a Campaign table/model and then the above is a Campaign Status's table/model that belongs to a Campaign.

When I create a new campaign, I have to insert 50+ records from the above table, 1 for each US state. I also have to add all the Canadian Territories.

So when I create a record, also when I edit a campaign, I show these setting for each state with a save button.

Once a record is saved, it has to save the 50 states plus the Canada regions.

I am asking if there is a more efficient way of saving all the massive number of records at once?

Antonio Carlos Ribeiro

IMO, the most efficient way to insert records is:

DB::table('name')->insert(<array of 50 arrays>);


CampaignStatus::query()->insert(<array of 50 arrays>);

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