Returning to Commited Detached Head (GIT)


So I was on a detached head and I commited some changes. I am now on a different head, how do I return to my detached head change that thread to the master?


$ git commit -m "Connect Users to Fitbit accounts"
[detached HEAD b3b8249] Connect Users to Fitbit accounts
17 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

You can git checkout the commit:

git checkout b3b8249

Branches are basically a named commit and git checkout works with everything that can be resolved to a commit (Commits, Branches, Tags, the reflog), not only with branches.

As I mentioned the reflog: In case you don't remember the exakt commit hash the reflog is the way to go:

[root@/tmp/test (5d0f65b...)]git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
[root@/tmp/test master]touch b
[root@/tmp/test master]git add b
[root@/tmp/test master]git commit -m "Add b"
[master 9bf5987] Add b
 0 files changed
 create mode 100644 b
[root@/tmp/test master]git reflog
9bf5987 HEAD@{0}: commit: Add b
5d0f65b HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from 5d0f65ba749c8f39773c4edb16ab40c5c58501d4 to master

The first column will tell you where the HEAD pointed at and you can retrieve the older state by passing HEAD@{N} to git checkout:

[root@/tmp/test master]git checkout HEAD@{1}
Note: checking out 'HEAD@{1}'.


HEAD is now at 5d0f65b... Add a

The reflog will save your head in certain situations as it allows you to retrieve almost anything that was lost, e.g. commits lost in a rebase, commits lost in a reset etc.

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