Retrieve array of video IDs from youtube playlist ID

Jacob Pedersen

I want to retrieve an array of video ID's using a youtube playlist ID.

Basicually a function getPlaylist(playlist) that returns

[{'title':'Video1 Title', 'ID':'Video1 ID'},
{'title':'Video2 Title', 'ID':'Video2 ID'},
{'title':'Video3 Title', 'ID':'Video3 ID'}];

I currently have this, but making it return data in an array would require a major rewrite, and I'm not sure how to approach it.

I want to be able to do var stuff = getPlaylist(ID);, and reference the entered ID like stuff[4].title and so, and easily handle the response in for loops etc.

I want to do this with as few lines of code as possible, and without libraries and API's (like jQuery and the youtube javascript API).


Create a variable outside of the loop

var arrayOfvideoIDs = [];

inside your loop

for (....) {
    list_data += '<li>'+videoID+'</li>';

You now have an array of videoIDs

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