Generate random values in oracle view

Vinod Chelladurai

I have a table like shown in picture. For a distinct combination of VALUE1 and VALUE2 Columns, i have several steps. So, I want a view showing the number of each step based on the order they arrive. For example, STEP1 arrives first and so it's step number in the view should be 1 and so on. Kindly heklp me on this aspect. Thanks in advance.

enter image description here

Florin Ghita

What you ask can pe done with:

select value1, value2, step, row_number() over (partition by value1, value2 order by rn)
    (select value1, value2, step, rownum as rn
    from table
    --an order by recommended

But I strongly recommend to give an order by to the query. The "the order they arrive" is not an order in a DBMS.

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