Adding an extension method to HtmlHelper in mvc4 application

Lamloumi Afif

I would like to add an extension method for the html helper to customize a table, i add this method:

public static class HtmlElements
        public static string Table(this HtmlHelper ht, string classe)
            var table = new HtmlTable();
            table.Attributes.Add("class", classe);
            return table.InnerHtml;


When i'd like to use it like this


i have an error which indicates that i have to convert a string to IDisposable type.

  1. What are the reasons of this error?
  2. How can i fix it?


the full view's code :

    using(var table = @Html.Table("table_data")){

            <th>Statut du client</th>
            <th>Etat de test</th>

    for (int i = Model[2] - 5; i < Model[2]; i++)
        if(i < Model[1].Count)
        <tr style="font-size: 12px; padding:0px; ">
             <td style="color:red">@Model[1][i]</td>
Roy Dictus

Your method returns a string, and when you use using in C#, that means you are insantiating an object that implements IDisposable, which string does not.

You are not doing anything with the string either. If you intend to build up an HtmlTable and do something with that, you must modify your code, for instance like so:

    public static HtmlTable Table(this HtmlHelper ht, string classe)
        var table = new HtmlTable();
        table.Attributes.Add("class", classe);
        return table;

and then you must use that in your code, like so:

@using(var table = @Html.Table("table_data")){

and within the brackets, you can now access the variable table.

Collected from the Internet

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