Cannot convert 'TCHAR*' to 'const char*'


I don't know why I get these two errors when I run the code. error: argument of type 'BOOL (Movement::)(HWND__, LPARAM)' does not match 'BOOL ()(HWND__*, LPARAM)' error: argument of type 'BOOL (Movement::)(HWND__, LPARAM)' does not match 'BOOL ()(HWND__*, LPARAM)'

The cpp file is this:

#include "movement.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib")

    xLoc = 10;
    yLoc = 50;
            windowHandle = NULL;
            EnumWindows(MyEnumProc, 0);

            MoveWindow(windowHandle, getXLoc(), getYLoc(), 1220, 930, false);
BOOL CALLBACK Movement::MyEnumProc(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam)
    TCHAR title[500];
    ZeroMemory(title, sizeof(title));

    //string strTitle;

    GetWindowText(hWnd, title, sizeof(title)/sizeof(title[0]));

    //_tprintf(_T("Found window: %s\n"), title);

    //strTitle += title; // Convert to std::string
    if(_tcsstr(title, _T("Firefox")))
        windowHandle = hWnd;
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
int Movement::getXLoc(){
        xLoc += 1;
    }else if(yLoc>30){
        xLoc -= 1;
    return xLoc;
int Movement::getYLoc(){
        yLoc -= 1;
    }else if(xLoc>=30&&yLoc<70){
        yLoc += 1;
    return yLoc;

This is the Header File:

#ifndef MOVEMENT_H
#define MOVEMENT_H

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Movement
    HWND windowHandle;
    BOOL CALLBACK MyEnumProc(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam);
    int xLoc;
    int yLoc;
    int getXLoc();
    int getYLoc();

#endif // MOVEMENT_H

The problem here is that EnumWindows is expecting a WNDENUMPROC parameter which is a typedef for


In your code sample MyEnumProc has the type

BOOL (Movement::*)(HWND, LPARAM);

The difference exists because it is an instance method on Movement. To fix this you need to make MyEnumProc a static method

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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