How to Improve Query Performance with many JOINs


I have a query (with the purpose of making a view) which is using a few joins to get each column. Performance degrades quickly (exponentially?) for each set of joins added.

What would be a good approach to make this query faster? Please see comments within the query.

If it helps, this is using the WordPress DB schema.

Here is a screenshot of EXPLAIN enter image description here


|1 |test|


|1         |price   |9.99 |
|1         |sku     |ABC  |


|1        |1               |
|1        |2               |


|1               |1      |size    |
|2               |2      |stock   |


|term_id|name |
|1      |500mg|
|2      |10   |


  price.value AS price,
  sku.value AS sku, AS size
FROM products

/* These joins are performing quickly */

INNER JOIN `metadata` AS price ON = price.product_id AND price.meta_key = 'price'
INNER JOIN `metadata` AS sku ON = sku.product_id AND sku.meta_key = 'sku'

/* Here's the part that is really slowing it down - I run this chunk about 5 times with different strings to match */

INNER JOIN `term_relationships` AS tr ON = tr.object_id
  INNER JOIN `term_taxonomy` AS tt
  ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.taxonomy = 'size'
    INNER JOIN `terms` AS size
    ON tt.term_id = size.term_id

Your performance issue is most likely caused by the join with the 'term_taxonomy' table.
All other joins seems to use the primary key (where you probobly have working indexes on).

So my suggestion is to add a compound index on term_taxonomy_id and term_id (or if you must: taxonomy). Like this:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_term_taxonomy_id_taxonomy
ON term_taxonomy( term_taxonomy_id, taxonomy);

Hope this will help you.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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