Any ideas to mask the input?


I have been working on small project of mine which has the account name and account password as an array .

After the program runs it ask you to enter your username followed by password then it matches it with its database. If correct: proceed; if not: display login fail.

What I want is when the user enters the password instead of displaying the password as 1234 I want to show it as ****.

    Scanner in = new Scanner(;
public int UserNameAndPassword(){
    System.out.println("Pleass Enter your username:");
    String user =in.nextLine();
    System.out.println("Pleass Enter your Password:");
    String pin = in.nextLine();
   int p= FindNameAndPassword(user,pin);
return p;


public static void main(String[] args) {
    HelpingMethodes h =new HelpingMethodes();       
    Scanner in =new Scanner(;     
        int position,choise;
        position = h.UserNameAndPassword();
        boolean login = true;
            System.out.println("You entered wrong Username or Password");
            System.out.print("Pleas try again\n");

Is there any simple way to achieve that in Java?


Consider Console.readPassword. Although it will not mask the password with *, it does the job as it hides the text inputted. Quick code snapshot:

 char[] password = System.console().readPassword("Password: ");        
 System.out.println("Password is: "+ password);

Note: You must run the program via command line. If you're running this through an IDE, you will get null on the Console object.

You'll find a detailed tutorial here.

If you prefer not to use Console, you'd have to implement an alternative solution. You'd have to write a thread that overwrites the input as it's received, which won't be a trivial task. As far as I know, Scanner does not have a built-in masking method.

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