lexical scope in R


I recently learned that R has both lexical and dynamical scoping available, but that it uses lexical scope by default. The next case really confused me:

> x <- 1
> f <- function(y) { x + y }
> f(5)  # we expect 6    
[1] 6
> x <- 10
> f(5)  # shouldn't we again expect 6?
[1] 15

Shouldn't f be evaluated using the environment where (and at the time!) it was defined and not where it was called ? How is this lexical scope? Thanks!

f <- function(y) { x + y }

was defined in the global environment and so for the parts not defined in the function itself (i.e.x), R looks to the global environment for them.

  a*x + b
# compare f(2) and g(2)

This example above is from here and gives a good discussion. Main point being, f() within g() ignores the definitions of a and b in g().

From the wiki on "Scope"

In object-oriented programming, dynamic dispatch selects an object method at runtime, though whether the actual name binding is done at compile time or run time depends on the language.

Collected from the Internet

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