Installing Ubuntu over ubuntu netbook?


My brother a couple months ago bought a netbook and installed ubuntu netbook on it. He later realized that he did not really use the Asus EEE netbook and wanted to sell it. He said I could have it for 100 dollars. The problem is he said that Ubuntu netbook is very limiting. Is it? I did not like the simplified interface, so I decided I was going to install a full desktop version of Ubuntu on it. I downloaded the zip file and put it on my flash driver after unzipping it. I then set the boot order to be from the flash drive and then I booted the machine. The screen was black and then some text appear. It flashed to quickly for me to read all of it, or any of it.

Was my download and unzip corrupt? Can you not install Ubuntu desktop over Ubuntu netbook? If you can how would you? I am very new to Linux but I want to learn it for a class and my own personal reasons.

Thank you

PS: Because the text flashed by so fast I was unable to know what to google to help. For my class and my college projects I am working with blender and java

Gavin Coates

You should be able to install Ubuntu over Ubuntu Netbook, however bear in mind Netbooks are not very powerful - running a full Ubuntu install may be too much for them.

If you wish to proceed, see for instructions on how to install from a USB drive - there is a little more to it than simply unzipping and copying it to the USB drive.

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