Add global function to every execution of NodeJS

Leonardo Rossi

In my project folder project I have a file utils.js like this

global.root_path = process.cwd();
global.custom_require = function() {
    console.log('custom require called');

I would like to include this file in every execution of node so that in every js file in project i can call custom_require, or access global.root_path as I'm doing already with built-in function require.

Do you know if there is a solution (command line options, environment variable or whatever) to achieve this?

UPDATE I don't want to include utils.js in every file, in that case I wouldn't need to modify global object.



Simply require it. Example app.js:


var express = custom_require('express');
var app = express();
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;


Then, you could just do (in terminal)

node app

As long as you require the code containing the global declarations on it, then you can use those globals from any file that's required after the fact.

You most probably don't want to have a custom "plugin" altering the behavior of all your applications when run locally, thus it'd be best to stay away from that kind of pattern. Instead, you might want to create a module, use npm link on it, and then npm link something in your project's directory, where something is the module name.

Then each project could just add one line like require('something'); at the very beginning. Changing something would immediately impact all the projects which included it, thanks to the behavior in npm link.

Collected from the Internet

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