Term not reduced as expected


The following lemma should be trivial: Combining the plus sign and a natural is the same that using the plus constructor on this natural.

module sign where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Integer using (_◃_; +_)
open import Data.Sign renaming (+ to s+)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

lemma : ∀ y  → s+ ◃ y ≡ + y
lemma y = refl

But lemma fails to typecheck with:

s+ ◃ y != + y of type Data.Integer.ℤ
when checking that the expression refl has type s+ ◃ y ≡ + y

I'm using lib-0.7 and according to this link, is defined as:

_◃_ : Sign → ℕ → ℤ
_      ◃ ℕ.zero  = + ℕ.zero
Sign.+ ◃ n       = + n
Sign.- ◃ ℕ.suc n = -[1+ n ]

So I expected that s+ ◃ y, following the second pattern rule, evaluate to + y and typechecking to succeed.

What is amiss?


The problem is that the first equation can also be used for s+ ◃ y. Only after you know that y is not zero, the second equation applies.

The solution is simple:

lemma : ∀ y  → s+ ◃ y ≡ + y
lemma zero    = refl
lemma (suc _) = refl

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