How to convert decimal to IEEE double precision floating point binary in Matlab?


I am trying to generate an MIF file for FPGA synthesis and I am programming in Matlab to do it.

I want numbers ranging from -1 to 1 (-.9,-.8,-.7...1) in IEEE standard double precision floating point so that I can write it onto an MIF file an use in Verilog. Are there any Matlab functions to do this in an easy way? Thanks for any suggestion in advance.


Try this:

oldFormat = get(0,'Format');
format('hex'); display( -1:0.1:1 );

Only the middle line is important. The other two just put your format back to what it was before ('short' by default). I don't know for certain that the output conforms to IEEE, but I suspect it will. According to the documentation this will display a "Hexadecimal representation of a binary double-precision number."

If you want to save them as strings you could print later use sprintf with format %bx:

x = -1:0.1:1;
for i = 1:length(x)
    vals{i,1} = x(i);
    vals{i,2} = sprintf('%bx',x(i));
    vals{i,3} = dec2bin(hex2dec(sprintf('%bx',x(i))),64);
display(vals(:,[1 2]));

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