how to load image from java project's resource/images folder?


I am developing a shopping cart in Sprng MVC from where seller can upload products image with its description. I am able to upload images to webapp/resources/images folder. now I have to load all these images to dashboard page (home page) when any user open my site. I am not able to load these images from this location.

In my jsp I am writing final code like this:

<img src="resources/images/product1.jpg"/>

how can I add this folder to classpath so it'll be available. I am using Spring MVC and MAVEN.

Please let me know how to achieve this.


I am able to fix this problem: Added the following resources declaration to Spring configuration

<resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/resources/" />

and in jsp

<img src="<c:url value="/resources/images/product1.jpg" />" alt="" />

Thanks guys for your all help, your direction really helped me to get the answer for this problem.

Collected from the Internet

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