jquery slider image doesnt move to shift

Asim Zaidi

I am using jquery slider and I want to move my image according to how slider moves but for some reason its not working for me here is the code

        background: transparent  url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat 20px 30px;;
        width: 300px;
        background-size: 322px;
        font-family: 'Futura-Book';


<div id="background-image-horizontal"></div>


                max: 50,
                min: 10,
                value: 14,
                slide: function(e,ui) {
                    console.log("transparent url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat "+ui.value+"px 1px");
                    $('.main').css("background","transparent url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat "+ui.value+"px 1px");

In my console I see this changing when I move slider but on my screen the image doesnt move

transparent url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat 28px 1px ?img=bootsImg.jpg&w=300&h=300:330
transparent url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat 29px 1px ?img=bootsImg.jpg&w=300&h=300:330
transparent url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat 30px 1px ?img=bootsImg.jpg&w=300&h=300:330
transparent url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat 31px 1px ?img=bootsImg.jpg&w=300&h=300:330
transparent url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat 32px 1px ?img=bootsImg.jpg&w=300&h=300:330
transparent url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat 33px 1px ?img=bootsImg.jpg&w=300&h=300:330

One reason could be that you have no height mentioned for your .main and i believe it is a div, so it takes 0 height. try set some height.

        background: transparent  url(/img/ads/bootsImg.jpg) no-repeat 20px 30px;;
        width: 300px;
        height:200px; /*Set some height*/
        background-size: 322px;
        font-family: 'Futura-Book';



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