Why is Jenkins using so much memory?


I just started htop in my VPS and filtered to Jenkins to see if this was what was taking so much memory. Holy crap?!

I only have two build executors and only ran the service once (on machine bootup), so...why is this?

what the hell?
(Click image to enlarge)

I only have 1 gig of ram on this VPS and I need to run Apache, Nexus, and Jenkins. Why is Jenkins being such a hog of resources like this? How can I counter it?

Also, if it helps, I am polling SCM every 30 minutes for changes in Jenkins, but that couldn't be responsible... could it?


You are using ant target build-parallel?

Try changing to the target build without parallelism

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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