Django retrieve get_foo_value within values_list and annotate query

Adharsh Manikandan :

I Have Written A Query that returns (rating, count)

result = list(Film.objects.values_list('rating').annotate(count=Count('rating')))

rating is a choice field of

rating = (
        ("1","Very Bad"),

I currently get the result like this

[(5, 10), (4,8), (3,7), (2,1), (1,4)]

I wish to get the pairs like this


Is there anything I can do within the Query to get it ? Whats the best method to get the desired result ?

Something like get_foo_display within this one.

HariHaraSudhan :

I think you can Case Function to achieve this below.

from django.db.models import Case, CharField, When
    When(rating=5, then="Excellent"),
    When(rating=4, then="Good"),
    When(rating=3, then="Average"),
    When(rating=2, then="Bad"),
    When(rating=1, then="Very Bad"),

Collected from the Internet

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