MySql: how to get the desired result

gesanri :

I've a table like this:

CREATE TABLE `base_build_floor` (
  `build_no` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  `build_name` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `floor_no` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  `floor_name` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

and insert some data:

INSERT INTO `base_build_floor` VALUES ('41', 'BUILD40210011', 'A', null, null);
INSERT INTO `base_build_floor` VALUES ('42', 'BUILD40210012', 'B', null, null);
INSERT INTO `base_build_floor` VALUES ('43', 'BUILD40210013', 'C', null, null);
INSERT INTO `base_build_floor` VALUES ('44', 'BUILD40210013', 'C', 'FLOOR40210002', 'C1');
INSERT INTO `base_build_floor` VALUES ('45', 'BUILD40210013', 'C', 'FLOOR40210003', 'C2');
INSERT INTO `base_build_floor` VALUES ('46', 'BUILD40210012', 'B', 'FLOOR40210004', 'B1');

the table is about a build-floor table, first you should make a building, then, a building can has no or some floors. the A building has no floor, the B building has one floor named B1, the C building has two floors named C1 and C2, I want to get the result as below:

41 BUILD40210011 A null null
44 BUILD40210013 C FLOOR40210002 C1
45 BUILD40210013 C FLOOR40210003 C2
46 BUILD40210012 B FLOOR40210004 B1

it means that, if a building has no floors, then get it, while if a building has any one floor, the building itself should not be got, so how to write the mysql?I've tried to use Subquery but doesn't work

I've try like this :

    base_build_floor b
    b.floor_no IS NOT NULL
OR (
    b.floor_no IS NULL
    AND b.build_no NOT IN (
                concat("'", f.build_no, "'") as nostr
                base_build_floor f
                f.floor_no IS NOT NULL
            GROUP BY
        ) t


but I get all the data

forpas :


select t.* from base_build_floor t
where t.floor_no is not null
or not exists (
  select 1 from base_build_floor
  where build_no = t.build_no and floor_no is not null

See the demo.

| id  | build_no      | build_name | floor_no      | floor_name |
| --- | ------------- | ---------- | ------------- | ---------- |
| 41  | BUILD40210011 | A          |               |            |
| 44  | BUILD40210013 | C          | FLOOR40210002 | C1         |
| 45  | BUILD40210013 | C          | FLOOR40210003 | C2         |
| 46  | BUILD40210012 | B          | FLOOR40210004 | B1         |

Collected from the Internet

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