How to disable an individual bookmark in Visual Studio 2012?


I've ignored Visual Studio bookmarks until today. I've now learned that I can not just mark places in code, but name those bookmarks, and even group them into folders. I could potentially create a group for an issue I'm working on, and another group for a separate issue, and easily switch back and forth between what I'm working on.

You can even disable all bookmarks! But there's no option to disable an individual bookmark. Not in the bookmarks view. Not in the context menu. Not in the edit menu.

Am I missing something?

Here's screenshots for reference:

Editor gutter bookmark
Editor gutter bookmark

Bookmarks sub-menu under Edit menu
Bookmarks sub-menu under Edit menu

Bookmarks window
Bookmarks window

Per Salmi

In the Bookmarks window any single bookmark can be disabled by unchcking the checkbox to the left of the bookmark label. Like this in Visual Studio 2013:

enter image description here

You can also disable an Active bookmark by the Edit->Bookmarks menu and select the Enable Bookmark menu item. The name of that menu item is not entirely correct as it actually toggles the current bookmark between enabled/disabled states.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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