Is any way to rate the youtube video using any google or youtube API?


I am struggling with a problem to rate an youtube video through an android app. I am using google-client-api,youtube api, google play services. So i am able to perform OAuth2.0 authenication using AccountManager. and also able to upload video on youtube. but i didnt find ay link for rating a youtube video. is there any link or tutorial or sample for the doing the same?

Connecting life with Android

This can be easily done by using YouTubeAPI v2.0. See the specification on this link

POST /feeds/api/videos/VIDEO_ID/ratings
Content-Type: application/atom+xml
Content-Length: CONTENT_LENGTH
Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
GData-Version: 2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entry xmlns=""
  <gd:rating value="4" min="1" max="5"/>

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