Will Internet Explorer run on Windows 10?


Will Internet Explorer run on Windows 10?

I can't seem to find an answer to this anywhere.

I have just updated to Windows 10 and need to be able to do web development testing on Internet Explorer, but when I go to http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/internet-explorer/download-ie it says "Looking for Internet Explorer? You’re in the right place, but Internet Explorer requires a Windows PC."

Ross Presser

Internet Explorer 11 is included with Windows 10. It is not, however, the default browser; Edge is the default. To run it, you should search for Internet Explorer: click the Start Button, then start typing "Internet". It should show up as a search result.

Once you have found it, I recommend you pin it to the Taskbar, or the Start Menu, so you can find it again quickly.

Collected from the Internet

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