Why do I get an undefined method error in Ruby on Rails app?


Thanks for any help you can offer. I'm trying to figure out why I'm getting the undefined method error described below. I'm new to Ruby on Rails, but I thought that by creating the @waypoint, I could call methods for it (like @waypoint.waypointaddress). My models use a belongs_to and has many (Newsavedmaps can have many waypoints.) I appreciate your feedback on what I'm doing wrong.

Error Refers to if [email protected]?

    NoMethodError (undefined method `waypointaddress' for #<Array:NUMBERSHERE>):
    app/controllers/maptry_controller.rb:33:in `index'

maptry controller

    @newsavedmap = Newsavedmap.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:newsavedmap_id]})
    @waypoint = Waypoint.find(:all, :conditions => {:newsavedmap_id => params[:newsavedmap_id]})
    @newsavedmap.id = params[:newsavedmap_id]
    @newsavedmap.name = Newsavedmap.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:newsavedmap_id]}).name
    @newsavedmap.optimize = Newsavedmap.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:newsavedmap_id]}).optimize

    if [email protected]_masterlocation_id.nil?       
    @start_i_name = Masterlocation.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => @newsavedmap.start_masterlocation_id}).i_name
    if [email protected]?  
    @waypoint_i_name = Masterlocation.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => @waypoint.waypoint_masterlocation_id}).i_name
    if [email protected]_masterlocation_id.nil?     
    @end_i_name = Masterlocation.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => @newsavedmap.end_masterlocation_id}).i_name

        @newsavedmap = Newsavedmap.new  


Here is my updated controller using code from Mu's comment. However, I'm getting an error of "undefined method `each'" for the maptry.html.erb view included below.

To clarify, there may be one or more waypoints that match the conditions. I'd like to return all of them and then do a for each in my maptry view.

Also, the .where(...) threw an undefined method error for where, so I used find. Maybe that's related to the problem? I'm in Rails 2.X.

Code from maptry.html.erb

    <% if params[:newsavedmap_id] %>
            <% for waypoint in @waypoint %>
          <option selected value="<%= @waypoint.waypointaddress %>"><%= @waypoint_inst_name %></option>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>

updated maptry controller

    if params[:newsavedmap_id]
    @newsavedmap = Newsavedmap.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:newsavedmap_id]})
    @waypoint = Waypoint.find(:first, :conditions => {:newsavedmap_id => params[:newsavedmap_id]})
    @waypoint.waypointaddress = Waypoint.find(:first, :conditions => {:newsavedmap_id => params[:newsavedmap_id]}).waypointaddress
    @waypoint.waypoint_masterlocation_id = Waypoint.find(:first, :conditions => {:newsavedmap_id => params[:newsavedmap_id]}).waypoint_masterlocation_id
    @waypoint_inst_name = Masterlocation.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => @waypoint.waypoint_masterlocation_id}).inst_name
    @newsavedmap.id = params[:newsavedmap_id]
    @newsavedmap.name = Newsavedmap.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:newsavedmap_id]}).name
    @newsavedmap.optimize = Newsavedmap.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => params[:newsavedmap_id]}).optimize

    if [email protected]_masterlocation_id.nil?       
    @start_inst_name = Masterlocation.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => @newsavedmap.start_masterlocation_id}).inst_name
    if [email protected]_masterlocation_id.nil?     
    @end_inst_name = Masterlocation.find(:first, :conditions => {:id => @newsavedmap.end_masterlocation_id}).inst_name

    @newsavedmap = Newsavedmap.new  
mu is too short

You're asking ActiveRecord to find all the waypoints that match your conditions:

@waypoint = Waypoint.find(:all, :conditions => {:newsavedmap_id => params[:newsavedmap_id]})

That means that you'll get an Array in @waypoint and an Array (usually) won't have a waypointaddress method. Perhaps you meant to ask for the first one:

@waypoint = Waypoint.find(:first, :conditions => {:newsavedmap_id => params[:newsavedmap_id]})

or better:

@waypoint = Waypoint.where(:newsavedmap_id => params[:newsavedmap_id]).first

In general, you shouldn't be using find like that anymore; if you find yourself entering some :conditions in a find call, you should be saying .where(...) instead.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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