Using SevenZip to extract Zipped files within a zip file


I can conveniently extract all image files within the zip file, but now if there exist some zipped files within the zip file I want to extract everything. But when I try to extarct the zipped file within the zip file I get "DirectoryNotFoundException" Any help is greatly appreciated.

        List<byte[]> ImagesAsBytes = new List<byte[]>();
    private List<byte[]> FilesToBytesExtarctor(SevenZipExtractor Extractor, String[] FileNames, out String InfoTxt)
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        InfoTxt = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < Extractor.FilesCount; i++)
            if (IsDir(FileNames[i])) continue;
            for (int x = 0; x < SupportedImageFormats.Count; x++)
                if (FileNames[i].ToLower().EndsWith(SupportedImageFormats[x].ToString()))
                    ms = new MemoryStream();
                    Extractor.ExtractFile(FileNames[i], ms); 
                    //Extractor.ExtractArchive(FileNames[i], ms); 
                    ms.Position = 0;

                else if (FileNames[i].EndsWith(".txt") || FileNames[i].EndsWith(".TXT"))
                    ms = new MemoryStream();
                    Extractor.ExtractFile(FileNames[i], ms);
                    ms.Position = 0;
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
                    InfoTxt = sr.ReadToEnd();
                    //NextFile = true;
                else if (FileNames[i].ToLower().EndsWith(SupportedArchiveFormats[x].ToString()))
                    SevenZipExtractor Extractor2;
                    string[] files = RawFileExtractor(Path.Combine(Extractor.FileName, FileNames[i]), out Extractor2);
                   ImagesAsBytes.AddRange(FilesToBytesExtarctor(Extractor2, files, out InfoTxt));

        return ImagesAsBytes;

    private String[] RawFileExtractor(string file, out SevenZipExtractor Extractor)
        Extractor = new SevenZipExtractor(file);
        String[] FileNames = Extractor.ArchiveFileNames.ToArray();  
        return FileNames;

I finally got it. If the path contains a zip, The library cant read from the path, so I converted the inner zip file to stream and then use another overloaded method to extract the content of the inner zip file recurssively. I modified the archive path as follows

else if (FileNames[i].ToLower().EndsWith(SupportedArchiveFormats[x].ToString()))
                    ms = new MemoryStream();
                    Extractor.ExtractFile(FileNames[i], ms);
                    ms.Position = 0;

                    SevenZipExtractor Extractor2;
                    string[] files = RawFileExtractorStream(ms, out Extractor2);
                   ImagesAsBytes.AddRange(FilesToBytesExtarctor(Extractor2, files, out InfoTxt)); //recurrsive: call function within its self

Then I created an overloaded method for the stream

    private String[] RawFileExtractorStream(Stream  file, out SevenZipExtractor Extractor)
        Extractor = new SevenZipExtractor(file);
        String[] FileNames = Extractor.ArchiveFileNames.ToArray();  
        return FileNames;

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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