Compile error: Next without For || VBA

Artur Rutkowski

I have a problem with my code, an error appears, and I don;t understand why. The error is:
"Compile error: Next without For"
I do not understand why it is like that. I am new to coding so any help and comments are more than welcome.
This is the code, the Next which is pointed as the one without For is provided a comment.

Sub CGT_Cost()
startrow = Worksheets("GUTS").Cells(10, 1) 'Here I put 1
endrow = Worksheets("GUTS").Cells(11, 1)   'Here I put 1000

For x = endrow To startrow Step -1

If Cells(x, "Q").Value = "Sale" Then

    If Cells(x, "D").Value = "1" Then

    For i = 1 To 1000

        If Cells(x - i, "R").Value <> "1" Then

    Next i
        Range("G" & x).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-" & i & "]C/R[-" & i & "]C[-1]*RC[-1]"

        End If
    End If
    End If
Next x  

End Sub  

Thank you all in advance, with best regards,


Every For statement with a body must have a matching Next, and every If-Then statement with a body must have a matching End If.


For i = 1 To 10 '<---- This is the header

    Hello(i) = "Blah"  '<---- This is the body

Next i  '<---- This is the closing statement

You have part of the body of your If statement inside your For i loop, and part of it outside. It has to be either ALL inside or ALL outside. Think through the logic and see what it is you want to do.

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