How do I open a Rails Mysql database in Mysql Workbench?


I having trouble finding my mysql database files in Ruby on Rails project and opening it in MysqlWorkbench

This is my folder structure for a app

enter image description here

This is my database.yml


  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  reconnect: false
  database: rawdy_development
  pool: 5
  username: root
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock  

I'm not finding my mysql database file to open in MySqlWorkbench.


Unlike sqlite, your rails project doesn't contain the MySQL database files, the database.yml file only contains info on how to connect to the database. In that case it's trying to connect through a unix socket file.

I'm not sure if Workbench can connect that way, but most likely the database server is located on your own machine at localhost, port 3306, using username root and a blank password, you should configure Workbench to connect to that server and use database rawdy_development, instead of opening a database file.

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