Writing a single line command that interprets conditional output from pdbedit


I would like to run a command on a single line that will tell me if the flag is set for a user's password to be changed on next login. This command will interpret the output and return a true/false.

If the PWMC flag is NOT set, I get a date stamp like this:

pdbedit -L -v <USER.NAME> | grep "Password must change:"
> Password must change: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:54:01 CDT

If the PWMC flag IS set, the command returns this:

pdbedit -L -v <USER.NAME> | grep "Password must change:"
> Password must change: 0

So how would I compose a command that can be run on a single line that will tell me through a true/false statement that the PWMC flag is set for a given user?



Taking "return a true/false" to mean echo the string "true" or "false", then this one-liner should do it:

pdbedit -L -v "$USER_NAME" | if grep -Eq 'Password must change:\ +0'; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi

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