Latest NVIDIA driver on Ubuntu 16.04

Zizheng Tai

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 and I notice that in the "Additional Drivers" tab of "Software & Updates", the latest versions of NVIDIA drivers I can install are

  1. version 367.57 from nvidia-367 (proprietary)
  2. version 370.28 from nvidia-370 (open source)

Aside from the fact that I don't know what "proprietary" and "open source" mean here, I also don't see an option to select the driver version based on my actual graphics card. I'm using GTX 1080 and the current Long Lived Branch version is 375.20; will the Ubuntu graphics PPA be updated eventually, or will I have to manually install 375?


I cant find any reference to support in jockey for nVidia 375 yet. But the manual installation isn't as difficult as you might think.

Official Instructions

  1. Download the driver version 375.20 from here
  2. $ chmod 777
  3. $ sudo sh
  4. $ sudo apt-get update
  5. $ sudo apt-get upgrade

Install via PPA

  1. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
  2. $ sudo apt update

Potential Issues

Addendum to the Login Loop issue, via @michael__treat :

Make sure that secure boot is disabled in Windows Boot Manager. The walk-through from Ubuntu may be incomplete. During testing, I found that I had to use the Windows System Boot Manager, and manually disable secure boot.

This solved the login loop issue in my case.

TL;DR: Make sure secure boot is actually turned off.

  • When you reach grub, go to windows boot manager
  • Press e
  • change secureboot from enabled to disabled

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