Could not connect to the database Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect


I am running a SQL Server Express 10.50.4000.0 on my machine. I have enabled on the TCP/IP and made sure the port is set to 1433. I have added an exception in my firewall for 1433. The server service is running. I have tried localhost and the computer name and both give the same error. When i try localhost\SQLEXPRESS or [USER-PC]\SQLEXPRESS I received an error saying it could not find the database.

String driverName = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver";

String serverName = "localhost";
String instanceName = "ALLEN-PC\\SQLEXPRESS";
String serverPort = "1433";
String database  = serverName +":" + serverPort+"/"+instanceName;
String url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://" + database;
String username = "sa";
String password = "password";

connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);

I receive the error:

Could not connect to the database Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect

with no additional context to investigate.

Adam Haines

Your connection string needs to be in this format. Found here:


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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