Do graphics drivers for Intel HD 4600 exist?

Alexandr Kurilin

I recently installed Precise on an Intel i7-4770 machine with a HD 4600 GPU and I've unfortunately been experiencing the dreaded "flickering mouse cursor" from the beginning.

I read that supposedly using the right graphics drivers for the GPU would have a high chance of fixing the issue.

Being pretty new to the Linux graphics drivers world, I'm not sure what exactly I should be looking for. Do Linux drivers specific to the HD 4600 exist in the wild, or do I instead want something like Mesa as the "next best thing". What other options do I have?

Jan Cejka

Following link points to the same issue: ubuntu 12.04 - intel hd4600 haswell graphics issue

Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) uses older kernel, while better support of Intel HD4600 was added into later kernels. It should be solved in Ubuntu 13.04 kernel and command bellow allows to use Ubuntu 13.04 kernel in 12.04 Ubuntu.

Install Raring (13.04) kernel and x-server with following command:

sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-raring xserver-xorg-lts-raring

I tested this steps today on fresh install of 64bit Ubuntu Precise 12.04.2 with Intel i5-4670K processor.


  • Link on top of this answer does not install 13.04 kernel (Raring), but only 12.10 kernel (Quantal)
  • Ubuntu Precise 12.04.2 64bit (image available for download today) already includes Quantal kernel and x-server as a default. This 12.10 kernel (Quantal) has some basic support of Haswell processors (more on this link)

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