How do I setup two cron jobs to run every night at 3:00 and 3:10?

Seth Spearman

I have an ubuntu home server running virtual box. I have virtual server running on that box that I am having problems with. For now I don't have time to troubleshoot the actual issue but I have found that restarting the server fixes the issue for at least 24 hours. So my quick fix is to restart the server each night.

Bottom line is that I want to run the following command at 3:00 am 7 days a week.

vboxmanage controlvm virtualpbx acpipowerbutton

at 3:05 each night I want to run the following command.

vboxmanage startvm virtualpbx -type headless

The best answer will give me step-by-step instructions for getting this done from launching the console to closing the console. I want to learn more of cron and the linux infrastructure but for now I don't have the time.

Thanks so much for your help.

Seth B Spearman

** EDIT **
I want to be able to put these in place from an ssh prompt. (Don't laugh but the server doesn't have a monitor hooked up right now and it would take a fair amount of work to get it working.). But I can ssh to it at any time.

From the ssh prompt crontab does not seem to just goes to the next line and seems to be waiting for more input.

I tried to install crontab from ssh using sudo apt-get install crontab but it can't find it in any repository.

So I think I will use nano and do it manually but I need to know where to put it.

ALL that to say...I am doing this from an ssh prompt...which I think doesn't matter but thought I would let you know.


Eric Carvalho

Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) then run:

crontab -e

If it asks you to select an editor, choose nano. Insert these lines at the end of the file:

 0 3 * * * vboxmanage controlvm virtualpbx acpipowerbutton
 5 3 * * * vboxmanage startvm virtualpbx -type headless

Press Ctrl+O,Return to save the file and Ctrl+X to exit. Then run exit to close the terminal.

This is what the OP did:

  1. ssh to server
  2. sudo nano /etc/crontab <key in password>
  3. edit per Eric's recommendation but added the username that starts the VMs as follows...

    0 3 * * * username vboxmanage controlvm virtualpbx acpipowerbutton   
    5 3 * * * username vboxmanage startvm virtualpbx -type headless  
  4. CTRL-X to close. Enter to save the crontab.

  5. Restart cron: sudo service cron stop then sudo service cron start.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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