Excel - How to vlookup to return multiple values?


I'm looking to use Excel to look up and return multiple reference values for a given key. VLookup does something very similar to what I need - but only returns a single match.

I assume it'll involve array-returning and handling methods, though I haven't dealt with these before. Some Googling starts to lean on the if([lookuparray]=[value],row[lookuparray]) as part of a solution - though I can't get it to return a single match...

For example, if I have this reference data:

Adam    Red
Adam    Green
Adam    Blue
Bob     Red
Bob     Yellow
Bob     Green
Carl    Red 

I'm trying to get the multiple return values on the right. (Comma separated, if possible)

Red      Adam, Bob, Carl
Green    Adam, Bob
Blue     Adam
Yellow   Bob

(I already have the key value on the left - no need to pull out those values)

Any help as to how to approach handling multiple values in th this context is apprecited. Thanks.


Assuming you want a formula approach as stated (not using VLOOKUP, but still a formula), here is how I laid out the data:

Data Layout

I then used the following formula in cell C12:

=INDEX($C$2:$C$8, SMALL(IF($B12=$B$2:$B$8, ROW($B$2:$B$8)-MIN(ROW($B$2:$B$8))+1, ""), 1))

This is an array formula so after you copy and paste it into the cell you have to hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter. I then just dragged it to the right and to the bottom.

If there is no value(s) remaining it gives the #NUM! error, I gave an example for yellow in the uploaded image example.

I think a VBA/Macro approach would be a better solution if you have tons of rows.

Collected from the Internet

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